What does MegaGen’s scan body look like?

MegaGen implant systems (AnyRidge, AnyOne, BlueDiamond, MUA) use the same scan body shape. The biggest difference is the height and the ring on top of the 9 mm scan body opposed to no ring on the 13 mm scan body.

Any scan bodies that do not resemble the images below are considered third-party scan bodies. Please request the scan body information from the doctor.

9 mm Scan Body

13 mm Scan Body

Scan Healing Abutments

4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm, and 7 mm scan healing abutment respectively. Height not indicated.

Scan Post

The scan post has a scan reference point and an anti rotational function that can be connected on top of the scan healing abutment for more visibility.

⚠️ It is a disposable item, and multiple uses may loosen the connection. Please be aware that incorrectly connecting the scan post to the scan healing abutment can result in an inaccurate prosthesis.